Thursday, May 10, 2007


So just as an update for all who don't know. I went to the doctor and she thought I had torn my rotator cuff! AUGH! Thankfully I haven't torn anything, the bursal sacs on my joints and tendons are just incredibly inflamed and irritated. So I'm on steriod anti-inflamitory meds and Lortab for the pain...though the pain med part kinda stinks cuz I can't really take it at work because it makes me sleepy. Though I've discovered if I take it before bed I can usually get by on Motrin for the day and then take it when I get home since I don't really go anywhere now. As for what the Pediatrist said I don't have to have surgery thankfully (can you imagine that! Shoulder surgery and I'm only 24!) but he gave me a corticosteriod shot in my shoulder at the spot where it hurt the most and then I have to go back in a few weeks so he can see how I'm doing. Well right now my shoulder hurts more after getting that stupid shot than it did before I got the shot! How contradictory is that!? Oh well I guess it takes a while.
Meanwhile, I tried to go and get my watch fixed today because some how I shattered the face of it at work. I don't even know what I hit! Anyway, I took it to the place in the mall and the chick had me fill out the order form so they could order a new face for it. Well come to find out they don't fix watches like mine because they can't find that exact kind of face shape, they only do fancy watches like Fossil ones etc. mines generic. WHAT!? Its a freakin watch! Who the heck cares who makes it? I think they are just prejiduce against cheap college student peoples watches! So now I have to buy a new one. My wrist feels incredibly naked right now but I guess I'll fix that this weekend.
Which reminds me I'm so excited to go home! I need a vacation! Or at least some time away from my job and Oklahoma world. These last couple of weeks have been kinda stinky. I've definitly found out who my true friends are and how to tell if someone is even worth keeping as a friend. That and I've learned how to make my car swim with all the rain we've had. Its nice and will help with all the fires we seem to have but its starting to effect my mood. I miss the sun!
Anyway, I've got to get off here and get things done! TTYL!

1 comment:

Caleb said...

Did they wiggle the needle? They did when I had one in my knee.