This is the DME crew!! Top left: Kyle, Rusty, me, Doug and Sharon and then the two in the chairs are Teena and Christy who is my manager. Then the next picture is me being the doctor and Doug being the nurse! This costume was much anticipated and on the day of Halloween everyone kept asking if he had arrived yet. So as soon as he had we announced it over the intercom and they all came to see and take pictures. That day was so much fun! We had done University Day where you could wear your favorite team (High school, college, proffesional) sweatshirt, tshirt whatever and we had a big pot luck thing. We did crock pots for Halloween! Needless to say we don't get much work done in the office because we're all having fun socializing and joking around and whatever that the little that does get done is kind of forced.
Anyway, the fun part is I have my own desk now which is very me. Its actually organized so that I know where everything is! Plus everyone likes to comment on my little picture of my family...its the one that we took right before Caleb left on his mission and Shyla and I are wearing the same tops. And I just got my speakers plugged in today so I'm not having to listen to my ipod with one in and one out so I can still hear the phone and what not. However I have to play it quietly so that we don't have a montage of sound from four different sets of speakers all at once.
I have finally finished my first project of organizing and going through all the DME files for our chronic least the first part of the auditing, now we have to go through and make sure everyone is getting what they need, when they need it and all the minuet details. Plus the owner just bought the equipment, supplies and office things from a DME company that went out of business...and I mean she bought the WHOLE thing. Now we have to sort through it, pick out what we're going to keep in the Tulsa office, what can go to the OKC office, what needs to be thrown out and what she's going to sell to other people or us. We get first pick of it all, and some of its nice stuff too! So anyway yeah the next month or so is going to be interesting, and then we're trying to get JACO accredited on top of that so it makes for busy, stressful and hectic days sometimes.
However we are playing this new team building competition. Biggest Looser has come to our company! LOL!! Not really but we have all split up into teams and we are competing to see what individual and what team looses the most wieght by the end of January. We do weekly weigh ins on Wednesdays and then at our staff meetings on Thursdays we annouce each teams weight lose for that week and who the individual is that lost the most weight that week and they get little prizes for that. Its been a lot of fun, mostly trying to sabatoge other people on the other teams and tempting them with food. :)
The second picture is from a while ago when Court finally took me flying! It was soo cool!!! This is when we flew over downtown Tulsa. We were going to go to Bville but the weather wasn't to great that day so we didn't get to go. But he let me fly it for a little bit, only for a little bit because then I didn't want to anymore! Its kinda scary! Plus the turbulance is way worse in the little plane we were compared to the big ones I'm used to! :) But it was a lot of fun and I'm sure we'll go up again before we part ways latter on down the road.
Anyway, thats a quick update. I'm not doing much more than work, sleep and hang out with friends every now and then. I can't wait to go home for Thanksgiving though!! The first time I'll be home for that and Dads bday in a while!
Have a good week! See you soon!