Sunday, February 17, 2008

Druggie Britni

This is the boquet of roses that Jemari bought me for Valentines Day, and then below that is my card, bear and the necklace he bought me. I got him a 3lb heart of solid milk chocolate, a nerf dart gun and a card and a little dog that says I wuf you when you squeeze it. We were walking in Walmart several weeks before Vday cuz I needed groceries and we walked down the candy row and he saw the heart and was like drooling in the isle! So I got it for him. Its hard to buy things for guys on Vday cuz its more of a girlie holiday.

Well its been one heck of a week. I got sick while I was at work on Monday and then I didn't go to work for three days! I had an upset stomach and crazy painful body aches and congestion that wouldn't go away with medicine. So I called my ever loving big brother Court and he came and gave me a blessing and my headaches went away! But then ever since then I've had this horrible cough, sore throat, earache and just last night my eyes started getting gunky and gross. So I was like great, just great! The doctors offices will all be closed on Monday for Presidents Day and I think I have pink eye! So I went into the Urgent Care and thankfully it was just my regular $20 copay and I saw the doctor. He was so nice! He was like a grandpa old man, chubby and all! It was cute. Anyway, he looked me over, listened to me, and all and then was like well lets give you some stuff to help you get over it. He came back with prescriptions for eye drops, sinus and chest antibiotics and cough medicine with codiene so I can sleep at night! I'm a freakin druggie! I'm going to have to call into work tomorow because I won't have been on my eye med for 24 hours and I am not going to be the one to pass pink eye to all the patients at Preffered! I don't care if mom has school or what. This is one thing among others of course that is totaly highly contagious and I'm just not even going to try it. So my pick below is of all my drugs.
Anyway, so for Valentines Day we went to dinner at Red Lobster, and then we went to go see Step Up 2. That was an awesome movie!!! I loved it! Oh and my favorite part was that I want to see like every movie on the previews! Especially the Penelope one, that one looks so cute! Oh and Dad just so you know if you didn't thier coming out with a new Indiana Jones movie!! I'm totaly excited!
I hope all of you have a good week, I know I will certainly be trying to have a better one. My final for my first nursing class is this Saturday so I'm excited about that! 1 down 5 more to go! Ok thats just scary!

Sunday, February 10, 2008

It's finally over!

What a week it has been! I'm sorry that I haven't posted hardly at all but like Shyla its been one heck of a week. It started out not so bad but I just wasn't in the mood to do anything so things started to build up. I did my reading while I was at work so that didn't get to me, but I did leave my legal/ethical paper till the last minute and that wasn't good. I got to class on Saturday and I stupidly realized that I hadn't done a header on my paper and no cover sheet! I was kicking myself the whole time cuz there wasn't anything I could do about it at that point accept hope she liked the rest of my paper. I've learned my lesson though thats for sure. I did do my workout like I've been trying to so I succeeded in that this week. But I've been so tired this week. I'm not sure whats up, though I would guess its got something to do with the weather which while its been sunny a few days this week its mostly been gloomy and cloudy and cold and no one wants to be out in it and everyone just wants to stay in a warm bed or home and not do much of anything.
Ok so the picture is the long awaited one of me in my new school scrubs. I went on Friday to get my patient information and that was all well and good but not much else happened since we aren't allowed to do anything except meet the patient and get all the info we needed. So needless to say I was a bit nervous as to what was going to happen on Saturday. I have done clinicals before yes and I am a nurse but they didn't tell us anything to expect or tell us what we would be doing. Turns out that this clinical was just to get our feet wet and get us into doing care plans and assessments and such. So it wasn't bad at all in fact it was crazy amazing! My patients nurse let me follow her around and actually let me do things too! We were on 7 West at St Francis which is the Oncology unit, so it was kind of a sad place but it was fun! I helped hang blood, and flush the tubing when it was done, I started an IV and took them out, I got to do dressing changes and especially did one on a chest tube, and we had to try and reposition the tube in the ladies chest! It was soooo cool!!!! My patient developed crepitus while I was there and for all those reading that its when air gets trapped in the pleural cavity somewhere, its not usually a lot but its not a good thing anyway. It feels like something crinkly is under the skin, airy and crinkly. Its wierd but I was excited about it. So anyway, needless to say I learned a lot Saturday. I kinda felt out of place though, cuz none of my other fellow students did much of anything accept sit in the little break room and chat and write down patient info. I had to stay after bit to get what I needed but it was a small price to pay for the things I got to do and see while I was there! :)

Yesterday I was up by 7:30 to get to class, went to clinicals from 1-6:30 and then came home took a short nap and went to work 11-7 this morning, came home and took another short nap got up at 11:30 and went to church. Which today was awesome in church...not that anyother day isn't but today was just nice. I wasn't hit with any profound amazing revelation or new knowledge even though I did learn some new things, it was just nice today.
The theme today in Sacrament Meeting was "With all thy getting, get understanding" which I heard that and like the speakers I had no idea what it meant. They had some very good points in thier talks and I'd like to share some of the things I learned, here is what I wrote in my little journal thing:

1. Seek for understanding in all that I do, seek for knowledge because it is all I can take with me into the next life.

2. Patience to learn and listen and understand what is going on.

3. As we read and search the scriptures, seek to understand what we read, clarify it.

4. Take each challenge with one step at a time with faith in every footstep...our faith and understanding will increase. (this last one was a quote but I missed half of it and who it was by)

5. Gods grace doesn't garauntee an A or that we'll be genius but it does garauntee that we will be able to understand things.

Those are some things I got from the talks. Also Court taught Sunday school and he of course used his knowledge of airplanes to do some of it but the point of his lesson was that we all have our personal liahona and if we do what we're asked and follow the Lords directions or promptings it will continue to guide us to where we are supposed to be and what we're supposed to be doing. In Relief Society it wasn't anything great accept I loved the scripture in D&C 110:1-4 where it talks about the Savior appearing to Joseph Smith and Oliver Cowdery in the Kirtland Temple and that is just an amazing description. But Ramon (our teacher) asked what we liked or thought about that page. I said that normally we have these paintings that depict the Savior as a very calm and loving and compasionate person and He is in regular cloths, however this description portrays Him as an all powerful, omnipotent, and glorified being. I mean think about the description, its not something we normaly would use in describing someone. If we describe someone we say oh thier 5'6", brown hair, tan skin, green eyes etc. Joseph described specific characteristics so eloquently! "His eyes were as a flame of fire; the hair of his head was white like the pure snow; his countenance shone above the brightness of the sun; and his voice was as the sound of the rushing of great waters..." I mean how incredible is that! I'm sure this isn't profound to anyone else but I have always loved that description of the Savior, I know that He is loving and compasionate, forgiving and merciful and all these other things we associate with Him but this shows just how much of powerful being He really is, and I think sometimes in our descriptions of that we may forget that.

So the next time you think about the Savior or see a picture of Him just remember who He is.

I hope you all have a good week!
Love you!

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Gloomy day and Dove Chocolates...

So its been a really depressing and sucky day today. I set my alarm to wake up at like 9 so I could work out and study for class. No I woke up turned off the alarm and fell back to sleep till like noon which really wouldn't have been that bad but I hadn't turned in my notes yet and I was going to that on the way to school to study with Jay but no I had to call the office and they let me bring them in so long as I did it right then. So I got up and did that, then I came home and got ready for the day, and then remembered that rent was due and I had to get it to the office. So yeah needless to say I didn't get anything done this morning except a workout and then had to go to work! Which by the way sucked because while my patient was in a relatively good mood he decided to have a diarhea explosion while we were waiting for his mom to get out of church which was being held in a hotel!!! Yeah we were waiting in the hotel lobby and he did it!!! Needless to say I threw away a diaper and the towel they let me borrow cuz I'm just about 100% sure they would not have wanted that one back. Oh and on top of that it was 84 and sunny on its raining and like 40! That would be Oklahoma weather for you in case you all have forgotten. So here are my pictures for the day, the first one is of the gloomy weather, and the second one is off the path that goes from my front door and around to the parking lot...

So yeah that was my sucky day. I hope you all had a better one than me!
Oh and on a parting note just to make it seem like not so much of a bad day here are some of the little messages in my Dove Candy notes from my goody box from mom:
1. Be a little mysterious.

2. Express what's in your heart.

3. Celebrate family and friends.

Just some little happies on a sad sad day. That plus dove chocolates are FREAKIN AMAZING!!!

Monday, February 4, 2008

School is....

This is my nursing badge that I have to wear whenever I'm in the hosital at all times so that no one mistakes me for an actual nurse. Funny, I like this one a lot better than the one I had in LPN school. That plus my scrubs are dark blue and not white! YAY!! No one will be able to see my underwear this time!! :) Its been an interesting week with school and all. I did my second journal entry and it required me reading a magazine article that talked about or used critical thinking so I used one that talked about balancing electrolytes and what to look for to figure out which out of balance it was. So that was all good and I seem to do really well on those. And then I looked at my grades and I got an 82% on my first exam!! YAY!!! How awesome is that! Go me!! We did assesments and I didn't pass with flying colors....I wasn't greatly confident in the heart and lungs. The reason being is I didn't practice as much as I should have, and because when your an LPN they only expect you to listen to the heart beat and make sure the lungs are clear in all the lobes. Well as an RN its much more extensive. You have to listen to 5 areas of the heart which are the Aorta, Mitral and Tricuspid valve and then two other places, and in the lungs there are 20 places to listen to!! Its crazy! But anyway, the teacher said she'd post some times for us to come and redo it so I'll have to take care of that this week but its ok I've got my legal and ethical paper due, 3 chapters to read, my community project and probably some clinical stuff to do. It'll be a busy week for school stuff.

Friday, February 1, 2008


These are my pictures for yesterday. It snowed yesterday and I didn't get a chance to take the pictures til today cuz it was to dark last night to take them. It was so awesome! They were like huge fat flakes and everything!

And this is my picture for today. I was thinking about how now these men have all passed away and I'll not only have to get a new picture but the man that was alive for most of my life is now not here anymore. I have to go to school tomorow so I won't be able to watch the funeral which I'm very sad about! I'm glad that he is with his sweetheart now and that he doesn't have to be burdened by his limitations anymore cuz he was so active for a man of his age I can't imagine what he is going to be like now. But I'm going to miss him and his odd sense of humor. Anyway, I was just thinking about that today.
Luv you all!