Tuesday, October 23, 2007

An update

Ok so for all who have been asking me to update and post a new blog here you go.

So as for work things are interesting but getting better. They've pulled me from working from the house for all 5 days so now I just work 2-3 days during the week and the rest of the days they send me to other houses. The nice part is that I trained another nurse today so she can work the days I'm not there. So mom finaly realized I was not coming all the time anymore yesterday. My scheduler called to let her know there would be an orientee coming and she asked where I was and Jodi (my scheduler) said no and mom was like oh I didn't even know she wasn't here till the aide from school knocked on the door to drop Christopher off. Seriously! What the crap! And then today when I got here she asked me twice why I was cutting my hours and I was like I'm not cutting my hours I'm just working in other houses to cover some shifts and they needed a place to put this new nurse. Why would I cut my hours! Hello! I'm actually trying to be responsible and take care of my things! Granted my friends and I have decided that college is the most broke time in anyones life but nonetheless we make things work as much as we can.

So other than that not much is going on. Its started to get seriously cold here. I'm so excited though! I love winter and fall! I just can't wait for it to snow! :) I'm really excited though to be going home for Christmas. I'm ready to go home and be with my family and relax without any real responsibility for at least a week.

Well lets see...I don't think I have anything funny to say that has happened or have any wierd trains of thought in the last few minutes...nope but I'm going to go to bed now so I'll see all you people later.

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Odd Things

Ok so I'm having a random day I was thinking of the things that people tell you will happen is you do something and either they don't really happen or they actually do.

For example:
My mom always told me not to lick the knife because I would cut my tongue...I'm 24 now and I've yet to cut my tongue on the butter knife.

Your not supposed to eat raw cookie dough because it can make you sick due to the raw eggs...again I'm 24 and I've been eating raw cookie dough my entire life and I've yet to get sick from it.

If you keep bread in the fridge it doesn't mold like at all!

Even if you don't open a package of meat it can still get freezer burn if you don't put it in foil and put it in the freezer.

Chocolate can go bad..it gets that white stuff on it and it tastes funny.

That not matter how many times Christopher Robin falls or gets into water he never gets hurt or wet! I just watched him fall off a hill edge and he just gets back up with no problems! If I had done that I would have broken something and had a million scratches!!

Those are just some random things that I've been thinking of this morning.

Monday, October 1, 2007

Its going to be a good week! I can feel it!!

Hello everyone! Sorry its been a while since I've posted anything but somehow there is always something that is more important and needs to be done at the time that I finally find to sit down and do absolutely nothing!! UGH!! Can I not have a moment to chill and waste my hard working brain cells on something as mind numbing as playing on the internet!

SO...the amazingly good news that I have to tell everyone is that I got my term paper back this morning and I got all 200 points!! I had a perfect paper! I worked hard and I aced my term paper!! YAY ME!!! LOL!! Yeah so I did the cute 5th grader thing and called my mommy and told her and that was fun for me! Its funny I know but I like sharing the good things like that with mom. Thats what you do. It gives her something to brag about again..its not amazing but to me I'm so bragging about this! I worked my butt off!

Anyway so I promised an update when the dad of my patient came home. Well things have gotten amazingly better as far as life. He is cleaning up the house and getting the cars running and he works! He works so hard and takes time with both his kids. However the mom is like wierder. I have a few pet peeves with her at the moment. Here they are:

1. She spends tons of money on clothes for her and her step daughter but she buys nothing but diapers and wipes for her son. Then the other day she complains because we were gone all day and I didn't get a chance to do the kids laundry so he has nothing to wear. No granted I didn't do his laundry that child has a closet full of clothes that he never wears but they all fit him, plus his chest of drawers is full of clothes that he doesn't ever wear! Ok now he has clothes right..well lets talk about his pajamas situation. He has flannel footie pjs that probably don't even fit him but he has nothing to wear to sleep in during the spring, summer and fall when it isn't freezing cold outside. What mother spends so much time on herself that she doesn't even supply the things that I need to take care of her son?

2. She used to be a respiratory therapist at St Francis hospital and for some reason she stopped and then out of the blue she decided to renew it which is costing tons of money but the kicker is she has no intention of using it. What the crap!!??

Ok so there are only two but it bugs the crap out of me that someone can go from having it together and doing what she needs to to support a family and then suddenly give up. I know so many women that have life long illnesses and disorders with that support familys on thier own without fathers because they simply know they have to take care of their kids. It makes me sick that people use things like disabilities and help as a crutch to do nothing.

Alright I'm done venting. I do feel that this will be a good week. Last week was kinda sucky cuz I was in a funk and then OU lost to CU which was not supposed to happen and then I didn't get to go to church because my stomach was giving me issues. It sucked. But this week, this week will be better! Its already off to an amazing start so I'm going to be an optimist and try and make it better. Oh and by the way we are going to beat the crap out of Texas in the Red river shootout this weekend make no mistake about that!

Cya all later!

Monday, August 20, 2007

Here we go!!

Well its now the first day of the fall semester and I have very high hopes for it! I have the same teacher that I took US history with and he's so good. The funny thing is though you wouldn't think that unless you've had him before because he's really kinda crazy. But the nice thing is he doesn't sugar coat anything and he doesn't take crap! He's a retired Brigadier General and he works for the Tulsa Police Department as an interigator for gang memebers! He's one freakin tough cookie!

Anyway, not much else is going on this week. I kinda work some wierd hours but its just for this week. Next week I start my 3-11 shift so that will be nice. I can come home and chill or take a quick nap if I want before I go to work. The dad came home last Friday! Its been great! He's working on fixing so many things when he's home. Its been nice and the kid loves it!

Ok so I have something really wierd to explain to ya'll or whoever reads these things. Ok so last night as I'm sitting in bed talking to my friend Annette I look down at my knee on my left leg to start scratching my bug bit yet again and I notice something very very wierd. My bug bit is pulsing! Not like jumping off my skin pulsing but the color is going from red to white very subtly. I can only assume its sitting on a vien or something so I was just fascinated by it for a while. The wierd part is I just looked at it again because I was thinking about it and its not doing it anymore. What the heck! Its so freakin wierd! Its like the bug bit from mars or something! Its alive! Anyway, if anyone has experienced similar symptoms with a bug bit let me know because I'm a little wierded out about this.

Anywho I hope everyones week is off to a good start! Stay cool in the heat and don't get into trouble!

Monday, August 13, 2007

My goals...I'm reaching them slowly

Ok I've decided that I'm going to start working out like I should and I'm going to cut the pop out or at least stop drinking so much of it. My vice will be broken!!!
So my goals are as follows:

1. I will work out at least 3 days a week if not everyday, and if I just walk the treadmill then I will use my 3 lb wieghts to I can work on strengthening my shoulder too.

2. I will only drink Dr.Pepper 1-2 times a week, and pop 3 times a week. If we go out to eat then I will only drink one glass of pop and then drink water.

3. I will only eat out 2-3 times a week.

4. I will only spend money on neccesary things until Christmas that way I can buy presents for my family with no problems.

5. I'm going to try and get a new job at the St Francis Childrens Hospital that is being built.

I'm doing good at the working out and no pop thing so far. I did my workout this afternoon and in the last 3 days I've only had pop once and it wasn't Dr. Pepper! YAY!!! I'm very proud of myself! I just hope I can keep it up. I'm trying to do different things for the workout so that I don't get bored and stop working out. I am hoping to save up to buy boxing gloves so I can take the class at the fitness center but we'll see what happens.

Anyway, I'm all set for school to start next Monday and I am actually really excited about it cuz I'm starting to get bored with just work. That plus I'm determined more than ever to get past this class and start the nursing school program. I'm taking it with the teacher that taught my History class so I'm excited about that too. He's an awesome teacher! We call him The General cuz he used to be one in the army and then he retired. He's fun but he's kinda mean to but then not really but he definitly challenges you.
Work...well I told you all it would be interesting to see what would happen with the mom I work for and this new schedule she wanted to get into...well its not happening. They still don't get up till like noon which I guess is better than early afternoon but yeah. He is supposed to start school either next week or the week after and he still gets so mad when you try to wake him up and then he just tries to go back to sleep. Its a mess! I told her step daughter that she had to make sure that they were up and out of bed and moving before she left for school cuz I can't be there till 3pm and he needs to go to school on time. It'll be interesting to say the least but again I guess we'll see what will happen in the next few weeks.

I hope the rest of you are having good times and are all happy!
Luv ya'll!

Tuesday, July 31, 2007

So many things

So much has happened since I last posted. I'm so not very good at this kind of thing, even though I do better at this than writing in my own personal journal...hmm go figure.

So let me see what is there to say. Well I've moved into my own place again and I'm starting to remember just how nice it was to have quiet when you sleep instead of a dog barking at 3am because it saw a leaf blow into the yard and goes all crazy over it because he's loosing his mind due to the infestation of fleas upon his (now quickly becoming hairless) back. Or how nice it is to not have to share the laundry facilities with 3 other girls and get caught in the tangles web of bras and shirts and skirts hanging up to dry on hangers. I'm telling you that laundry room could rival a Victoria Secret catalog! It was that crazy at times! Plus I have my own food and leftovers aren't cluttering and stinking up the fridge and counters....did you know that mold can spring up on some very unlikely things in about 12 hours!

School is a mess! Holy crap! Ok I would like to share with you all my insanly crazy story about my government class that I tried to take this summer. Ok so I had to take this class so that I could actually start nursing school (oh yes by the way I was accepted!) so I had to hurry and enroll. Well it all started and I didn't do so well on my first test so for the second my friend Jay helped me study and we read the chapters and he quizzed me on every section in the chapter and then we did the questions at the end and then we reviewed on Sunday and I reviewed a little more before class that Monday. Ok I got a 57 on the first test....I got a 57 again on the second test! What the hell! Someone please explain how this happens! Oh and it gets better. So I tried to go talk to my professor, and he wasn't in his office when he was supposed to be and he never returned or answered his phone! Again what the hell! So I had one test left to get a C or better...yeah wasn't going to happen so I had to go drop the class and now I have to write a letter to the acceptance people and pray that they'll understand. I just am so mad about this! Ugh! Jerk! Anyway so I'm taking it again this fall with a guy that I took my history class with whom I really like so hopefully it will all work out.

Work...well thats all just an interesting trip no matter what. I'm interested to see how things work out when this kid starts going back to school in a few weeks. I mean he doesn't get up as it is till like 1! And the scariest part is that mom is going to have to get him up and ready because I won't be there till in the evening. So stay tuned for future updates. The only part of this whole thing that I will be enjoying is that I don't have to work Sundays anymore! YAY!!!!

Anyway, I hope you all have an awesome rest of the week! TTYL!
Luv ya'll!

Sunday, May 13, 2007

Sad things

Ok so I'm curiouse how do you deal with emotions that are threatening to break you inside but you can't say anything because its going to mess everything up and no one wants to hear about it anyway? What do you do when you want to tell your family about someone you love but you can't because they don't want to know about it or hear about it, they want to pretend its a phase and that it will end soon and they won't have to ever deal with it.
Thats my dilema right now. I'm here at home in Houston and I would love nothing more than to talk or say things about the man I love in front of my family but everytime I do its like I get tuned out and no one cares anymore. Doesn't anyone want to know about how I feel? Doesn't anyone care to hear about my life? I know Shyla is getting married and I'm really really happy for her! I am! Its what she's wanted all her life and she found a guy thats amazing, and funny and loves her so much and treats her like a princess which is what he should be doing. She's getting the fairtale wedding and I get to be apart of it and I'm glad even though it does make me sad that I can't be here for all the stuff that goes on like the showers and preparations or the actual wedding but I don't live at home so I guess I just have to deal with that. And I don't want to take away from any of her fun time and planning but I'm here to and its like I came to visit and the sole purpose was to try on my dress and help with some wedding things and that was it. Its like I don't really exist to them beyond that. I want to tell them whats going on with me but I don't want to take the focus away from her because thats where it should be.
So maybe thats why I'm writing this, to say somethings about my life and Jemari since I don't really feel like I can say anything with my voice to anyone right now. I want to tell mom especially because I know she doesn't like him and that makes me sad and I just want her to give him a chance. So here's what I've been thinking about at night when I lay awake before the wierd dreams caused by my pain meds take over.
1. How do you tell them that your in love and that he loves you back when he isn't a member and you know they won't like it but you want to tell them how wonderful it is?
2. How do I tell them that we've been talking a lot about what things would be like if we were married..and I mean things like what would be do about religion, kids, family etc.
3. What do you say when they throw at you that he's black and your going to have all sorts of problems? We know the interacial marriage thing is not easy but if you love someone it doesn't matter and there are millions of couples who do it everyday.
4. I want to tell them how amazing he is! That he loves me for me! And that he doesn't care that I'm moody and grumpy sometimes, or that I'm chunky and fat, or that I like to dye my hair, or that I'm loud, and that I like to do wierd things like read all day if I could. He doesn't want to change me to be anything but what I am. And the most important part is that he loves that my religion and way of life is so much apart of me and that I'm so sure of what I believe in.
5. I want to tell them all about him! That he works at Lowes and is a loader so he isn't afraid to get dirty and use his hands and help people. That he's going to school for a business degree and that he's applying for NSU and OSU for this fall. That he treats his whole family with so much respect when they treat him like crap a lot of the time. That he makes sure that I know that he respects my family and that he wants to meet them when the time is right so that they can get to know him and he can see them all and meet the people I love. He has a car that he's paying for and he's putting himself through school, and the he treats me like a princess even when I'm freaking out and having a bad day. He's always there for me.
6. I want to bring him home with me so bad. I want my family to welcome him and treat him like they are treating Russel and treated Holly when they came and to like him a lot and to think he's fun and nice and cool and be ok with him and I want it to last, not just be for while he's here.
7. I want my family to know that I'm happy with him. Happier than I've ever been with any guy. I know he isn't a member and I know that if I keep dating him that we just might get married and it wouldn't be in the temple and I know it would be a huge deal for my parents if I didn't but if I'm happy then why does that matter. So I can't get sealed now, maybe not even in this lifetime but what if he does join later down the road or if we have to be sealed after we both pass on to the next life? I know dwelling on what if's is bad but I know all the options and paths and consequences to consider, I know that I have to be ok with this and that its going to be a constant thing that I have to deal with but if I know all that doesn't that mean I can handle it?
8. Is my family ever going to accept me for me and for who and what I am? Are they ever going to approve of a guy I date? I want to marry someone who is like me. Not some guy thats like Court. I love him! The last time I fell in love with a guy he treated me like crap and told me he loved me only to cheat on me and lie to me. And now I've found someone who took his time and got to know me and was patient with me when I had to learn to trust someone before they could get that close to me again and even after all that he still fell in love with me.
I know that most of this probably doesn't make sense but oh well, maybe its just as well. No one seems to get me much these days anyway. Its hard to keep things inside for forever.

Thursday, May 10, 2007


So just as an update for all who don't know. I went to the doctor and she thought I had torn my rotator cuff! AUGH! Thankfully I haven't torn anything, the bursal sacs on my joints and tendons are just incredibly inflamed and irritated. So I'm on steriod anti-inflamitory meds and Lortab for the pain...though the pain med part kinda stinks cuz I can't really take it at work because it makes me sleepy. Though I've discovered if I take it before bed I can usually get by on Motrin for the day and then take it when I get home since I don't really go anywhere now. As for what the Pediatrist said I don't have to have surgery thankfully (can you imagine that! Shoulder surgery and I'm only 24!) but he gave me a corticosteriod shot in my shoulder at the spot where it hurt the most and then I have to go back in a few weeks so he can see how I'm doing. Well right now my shoulder hurts more after getting that stupid shot than it did before I got the shot! How contradictory is that!? Oh well I guess it takes a while.
Meanwhile, I tried to go and get my watch fixed today because some how I shattered the face of it at work. I don't even know what I hit! Anyway, I took it to the place in the mall and the chick had me fill out the order form so they could order a new face for it. Well come to find out they don't fix watches like mine because they can't find that exact kind of face shape, they only do fancy watches like Fossil ones etc. mines generic. WHAT!? Its a freakin watch! Who the heck cares who makes it? I think they are just prejiduce against cheap college student peoples watches! So now I have to buy a new one. My wrist feels incredibly naked right now but I guess I'll fix that this weekend.
Which reminds me I'm so excited to go home! I need a vacation! Or at least some time away from my job and Oklahoma world. These last couple of weeks have been kinda stinky. I've definitly found out who my true friends are and how to tell if someone is even worth keeping as a friend. That and I've learned how to make my car swim with all the rain we've had. Its nice and will help with all the fires we seem to have but its starting to effect my mood. I miss the sun!
Anyway, I've got to get off here and get things done! TTYL!

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

All is well....for now

So I went to the dentist today for the first time in like 3 years and of course everything went beautifully! Even after not seeing a dentist for 3 years I have nothing that needs to be worked on. Though I guess that doesn't really have anything to do with the dentist but more to do with me brushing my teeth but none the less! With all the junk I eat and sugary stuff ingested in my body I was kinda shocked. She did say I need to floss more...UGH!! I hate to floss! I never have been good at it. Oh well I guess we'll see what happens.
I'm so glad that finals are next week! But even more happier that I don't have class this week because my teacher I guess decided he was done with what he had to teach us so that leaves more time to sleep and study! YAY!!!
Well anyway, thats about all thats going on here. We were under our first tornado watch for the season today and it was pretty nasty outside but we never saw any action which is probably a good thing but still maybe just one tiny tornado would be nice....Nah!
I am proud that I got my to do list done today! YAY!! Doesn't happen very often but it did today and I even had time to clean up the kitchen! Woohoo! I'm on a roll!
Cya'll later!

Thursday, April 19, 2007

I don't get paid enough!

Ok I totally don't get paid enough to do what I do at work! I'm supposed to take care of a 3 yr old boy making sure he gets his meds, a bath, diapers clean, played with, to his doctors and therepy appointments, do his laundry etc. Unfortunatly I also have to care of his mother who is 41 years old and can't seem to take care of her own self or her kid while I'm gone! I'm being dramatic you say? Oh no let me give you some examples.
Not to many weeks ago she called me at 6:30 in the evening asking me if her son needed to be fed...he was supposed to be fed at 5pm!!! She even sometimes forgets totaly on the weekends! And don't get me started on the fact she doesn't change his diaper for hours and hours.
Another example...He had surgery last year and has to see the doctor who performed the surgery every 3 months. Thankfully he comes down from OKC to Tulsa to do a clinic once a month. So I had to be at the house at 5:30 so we could get BE THERE at 7. Oh no I had to wake his mother up twice before she finally got out of bed at 6:15 and then when we finally left we had to go back for the cell phone, then stop for gas and get her something to eat, then drive down town to the hospital. Needless to say we were 25 minutes late.
And then this morning which is which was the straw that broke my back. I get there and as usual his clothes are all over the floor along with syringes, empty formula cans and feeding tubes. But to add to that is an empty basin with soap, wet rag, and his wet t-shirt in it, a plastic bag with 2 poopy diapers in them, and the floor and his blankets are SOAKED with water. Mom of course is asleep so I got no explanation or warning till I stepped in it. So when I woke mom up to ask she starts laughing and said well not to long after you left (I leave at 5) he had an dirty diaper and his tush had broken out and was bleeding a little so she wanted to wash it with hot, soapy water. Well she didn't put it up and the kid flipped it over spilling the water and then tried to mop it up with his shirt. Well she thought it was cute and funny. I however was soooo pissed! If it happened not to long after I left yesterday why was it not cleaned up!? I had to clean it all up! And then when she came out of her room and saw I'd turned the fan on to blow on it to dry the floor and his blankets (I couldn't throw them in the dryer cuz of course he's asleep on them) she goes oh! I didn't think of that! OMGOSH!!! This woman is UGH!!!!
I really do wonder how they function on the weekends when I'm gone! The house is always a disater when I get back on Monday!
I don't get paid enough to take care of a 41 year old mother!

Ok I feel a little better.

Monday, April 16, 2007

Its the begining

So I guess I decided that I should join the mass and begin a blog of my own. Unfortunatly I'm not as creative as some but I will give it my best shot!

Not much has been going on lately. I did have a doctors appointment this afternoon which resulted in X-rays, drugs and a outpatient minor surgical appointment. But for those that know and love me don't worry I'm just having some abnormally looking moles removed, though I'm sure they will do biopsies to be sure that everything is ok I'm certain everything will turn out fine...at least I keep telling myself that so that maybe I won't freak out.

On the plus side the semester is nearing an end and I couldn't be more happy! I'm so ready for the summer to come! I think I will definitly cut my hours back at least to 40 that way they have to find someone for when I start school in the fall...if I start in the fall. I'm still waiting on that freakin letter! I keep calling and calling and all they say is soon, soon you will know. Well soon was supposed to happen before Spring Break! That was two months ago!! UGH!!!! The anticipation of excitement is giving way to anger and frustration so when I actually get the letter it will be either bitter dissapointment because I wasn't accepted or relief and not very excited because I'm tired of waiting for the yes to come.

Anyway I think I'm done for now. TTYL!