Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Odd Things

Ok so I'm having a random day I was thinking of the things that people tell you will happen is you do something and either they don't really happen or they actually do.

For example:
My mom always told me not to lick the knife because I would cut my tongue...I'm 24 now and I've yet to cut my tongue on the butter knife.

Your not supposed to eat raw cookie dough because it can make you sick due to the raw eggs...again I'm 24 and I've been eating raw cookie dough my entire life and I've yet to get sick from it.

If you keep bread in the fridge it doesn't mold like at all!

Even if you don't open a package of meat it can still get freezer burn if you don't put it in foil and put it in the freezer.

Chocolate can go gets that white stuff on it and it tastes funny.

That not matter how many times Christopher Robin falls or gets into water he never gets hurt or wet! I just watched him fall off a hill edge and he just gets back up with no problems! If I had done that I would have broken something and had a million scratches!!

Those are just some random things that I've been thinking of this morning.

1 comment:

Caleb Flanagan said...

I've never cut my tongue on the knife either. Mom must have just not wanted us to have any fun growing up.