Thursday, April 19, 2007

I don't get paid enough!

Ok I totally don't get paid enough to do what I do at work! I'm supposed to take care of a 3 yr old boy making sure he gets his meds, a bath, diapers clean, played with, to his doctors and therepy appointments, do his laundry etc. Unfortunatly I also have to care of his mother who is 41 years old and can't seem to take care of her own self or her kid while I'm gone! I'm being dramatic you say? Oh no let me give you some examples.
Not to many weeks ago she called me at 6:30 in the evening asking me if her son needed to be fed...he was supposed to be fed at 5pm!!! She even sometimes forgets totaly on the weekends! And don't get me started on the fact she doesn't change his diaper for hours and hours.
Another example...He had surgery last year and has to see the doctor who performed the surgery every 3 months. Thankfully he comes down from OKC to Tulsa to do a clinic once a month. So I had to be at the house at 5:30 so we could get BE THERE at 7. Oh no I had to wake his mother up twice before she finally got out of bed at 6:15 and then when we finally left we had to go back for the cell phone, then stop for gas and get her something to eat, then drive down town to the hospital. Needless to say we were 25 minutes late.
And then this morning which is which was the straw that broke my back. I get there and as usual his clothes are all over the floor along with syringes, empty formula cans and feeding tubes. But to add to that is an empty basin with soap, wet rag, and his wet t-shirt in it, a plastic bag with 2 poopy diapers in them, and the floor and his blankets are SOAKED with water. Mom of course is asleep so I got no explanation or warning till I stepped in it. So when I woke mom up to ask she starts laughing and said well not to long after you left (I leave at 5) he had an dirty diaper and his tush had broken out and was bleeding a little so she wanted to wash it with hot, soapy water. Well she didn't put it up and the kid flipped it over spilling the water and then tried to mop it up with his shirt. Well she thought it was cute and funny. I however was soooo pissed! If it happened not to long after I left yesterday why was it not cleaned up!? I had to clean it all up! And then when she came out of her room and saw I'd turned the fan on to blow on it to dry the floor and his blankets (I couldn't throw them in the dryer cuz of course he's asleep on them) she goes oh! I didn't think of that! OMGOSH!!! This woman is UGH!!!!
I really do wonder how they function on the weekends when I'm gone! The house is always a disater when I get back on Monday!
I don't get paid enough to take care of a 41 year old mother!

Ok I feel a little better.

1 comment:

gravityguysgirl said...

I think the home health people need to talk to the mom...she obviously isn't taking care of him, and you shouldn't have to come into that kind of mess...can't they tell her you won't deal with that stuff?