This is my cable box from Cox that I've disconnected because they increased the rates and whatever and so I've decided I'm not paying 70 bucks a month to have cable I switched to Dish which is 30! HA! Take that cable jerks!!
And this is a picture of the box of Grey's Anatomy 2nd season. I seem to be watching this a lot lately, I seem to be on a watch all my episodes kick..maybe its because they aren't showing any new episodes because of the writters strick which personally I think is stupid! Why can't they just give them what they want! This can't possibly be good for business but then what do I know I don't work in hollywood.
I hope you all are having a good week. Mine was sucky, the week, life and crap got to me on Wednesday and I just broke down. Poor Jay had to listen to it over the phone but eventually he got me to calm down and see that even though things are bad it won't be this way forever, that it won't be better tomorow but I can handle it because I'm strong and I can do this even if it didn't seem like it on Wednesday. Now granted I still don't feel like I can handle much more of this but I have a lot of great role models who did it and that I can look up to that have done it all, and I have a great support system that encourage me when I'm feeling down and feeling like I can't do it anymore. Prayer works a lot too. I know it sounds cliche and people say it all the time but its true what they say, you pray more when your in trouble. I think thats how He wants it. He wants us to come to him when we're in trouble because then He can teach us more and guide us better because we're open to it. Granted we need to pray all the time even when we're not in trouble or feeling down but I think it means more when we not only put effort into it but actually say that we need Him. I don't know if any of this makes sense but it does to me.
I love you all!
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