Saturday, January 19, 2008

Its going to be ok right?

Holy Cow! I just have to keep telling myself that I love my career choice and that it will be over soon.

So the next episode in the never ending drama with work is as follows. They pulled me from my usual house to cover a few night shifts at another house because one of the nurses licenses expired. Well that left mom with only 2 nights a week with a nurse and she wants weekends now because she has class those days. Well I was there Thursday and she came back after being gone for like half my shift and said that she changed her classes to during the week. I was so excited to call my scheduler Jodi! I was like did you get a call from mom!? She was like yeah, I was like how funny is this! She acutally managed to get the classes she wanted during the week! Now my question is why didn't she do this to start with? So I asked mom what days she was going to class and she said Monday, Wednesday and Thursday and so I responded saying ok so we need to have you covered on Monday now and she goes NO I want my 5 days back! I was like but we need to make sure that your school nights are covered. What the crap! Like seriously this lady just continues to blow my mind! She thinks she's important and her son is like the least critical patient I think the office has! But its she doesn't understand that and until she does she is just going to continue to be upset and think the office is just being mean to her.

On a brighter note school is going very well despite the crazy pace and whirlwinds of information. We had our dosage calc test this morning and while I studied for it there was just no hope of passing it on the first time so I did the best I could and then when I got the test back today I found I'd done most of them right and the teacher went thru the whole test and worked all the problems so that the ones that I didn't get I saw how to do them. So now I can study a bit more and then take it again. I'm excited about all this! I have my first test next Saturday, and I need to buy some new shoes cuz mine while thier mostly white thier looking dingy and gross and thats not acceptable for school clinicals. I'll have to take a picture of me in my new uniform when I get it. Its navy blue instead of white and I can't tell you how happy I am about that! I hated the white ones! You always had to make sure your underwear didn't show, you couldn't wear anything of color or with print underneath the scrubs it was a pain! And its intimidating to the patients anyway. So now I can look normal! :)

I'm looking forward to spring break though...I'm not sure if I'm going to do anything. I'd like to go to Colorado but I'd also like to go home to Houston when Shyla and Russel come down. So much I want to do and only so much vacation time to take off to do it. I miss you all so much and love you all so much.
Mom and Dad thank you for praying for me. I need every bit of them to not loose my head with all of this thats going on. How you guys made it thru college I still don't know cuz it just seems so hard right now. But I guess its just a means to an end right?

I love you all!


Shyla said...

It is rough, but at least you're doing something you love. While I was at the temple the other day I put your name on the prayer roll, just because I was thinking about you. Obviously there was a reason. Love you.

Shyla said...

You've been tagged! Go to my blog for instructions.