Saturday, December 13, 2008

Tags Tags Tags

Mom's tagging:

1.What color is your tooth brush? red and white
2. What were you doing 45 minutes ago? folding laundry and watching a movie
3. What is your favorite candy bar? Milky Way
4. Have you ever been to a strip club? Ew No
5. What is the last thing you said aloud? Ugh I hate laundry
6. What is the best ice cream flavor? Strawberry
7. What is the last thing you had to drink? Milk
8. What are you wearing right now? jeans and a tank top
9. What was the last thing you ate? Tuna sandwhich and pretzels
10. Have you bought any new clothing items this week? yes but they aren't for me
11. When was the last time you ran? yesterday
12. Who was the last person to send you a message/comment on your blog? mom
13. Do you take vitamins daily? nope
14. Do you go to church every Sunday? unless I'm on a plane yes
15. Do you have a tan? not a very good one cuz its winter time
16. Do you like Chinese food over pizza? YES!!
17. Do you drink soda with a straw? yes
18. What does your last text message say? Your doing just fine don't worry about it.
19. Are you someones best friend? yes
20. What are you doing tomorrow? going to church and finishing wrapping presents
21. Where is your dad? Cypress Texas
22. Look to your left, what do you see? my christmas tree
23. What color is your favorite pair of shoes? black boots
24. Do you use chap stick? yes
25. Whats your favorite thing to do in your free time? read or sleep
26. Do you go in at a fast food place or just hit the drive thru? drive thru
27. Do you have a dog? nope
28. Last guy you talked on the phone with? Kyle
29. Last girl you talked on the phone with? Annette
30. Any fun vacation plans soon? yup! Going home for the holidays!!
31. Do you dye your hair? not anymore
32. Can you say the alphabet backwards? no
33. Do you have a maid service clean your house? nope
34. Are you jealous of anyone? No
35. Do you love anyone? Yes
36. Do any of your friends have children? yes
37. Do you use the word "hello" daily? Yes
38. Do you like cats? allergic to them
39. Have you ever been to six flags? Yes
40. How did you get your worse scar? slidding to get a ball on a gravel driveway
41. What is your favorite smell? moms perfume, cinnamon cloves, and roast on Sundays
42. What is the last DVD you watched? King Arthur
43. Have you ever been to Disney World? no
44. What is your favorite number? 6
45. Do you toast your pop tarts? sometimes
46. Have you ever waited tables? yes
47. Where did you have your first kiss? at a church dance
48. What should you be doing? taking a shower and going to bed
49. Do you enjoy wasting time blogging? sometimes
50. Who do you want to tag? ANYONE WHO HASN'T DONE THIS!!

Beasties Tagging:
1.What is your fav. color? green and blue
2.What flavor is your tooth paste? cool mint with Scope
3.What is you fav. animal? Panda
4.What did you eat for dinner yesterday? Nachos
5.When was the last time before now you posted on your blog? I don't know
6.How many times have you posted on your blog in the past 2 days? 0
7.What was the last store you went to? Walmart
8.What is your Dad doing? I don't know probably sleeping now
9. What is your fav. Christmas carol? Do you hear what I hear
10.Close your eyes what color do you see? black
11.If you were a candle what flavor would you be? Mandarin Cranberry or Baby Powder
12. What does you fav. Christmas Decor look like? My first christmas tree
13. If you were a shoe what kind would you be? a leopard print stilleto heal
14. What shape of ice cube would you want to be? panda shaped
15.What is your fav. movie? The Holiday
16.Who do you want to tag? Cymbre, Mom, Shyla, Russell

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Yes I do work with these people.

This is the DME crew!! Top left: Kyle, Rusty, me, Doug and Sharon and then the two in the chairs are Teena and Christy who is my manager. Then the next picture is me being the doctor and Doug being the nurse! This costume was much anticipated and on the day of Halloween everyone kept asking if he had arrived yet. So as soon as he had we announced it over the intercom and they all came to see and take pictures. That day was so much fun! We had done University Day where you could wear your favorite team (High school, college, proffesional) sweatshirt, tshirt whatever and we had a big pot luck thing. We did crock pots for Halloween! Needless to say we don't get much work done in the office because we're all having fun socializing and joking around and whatever that the little that does get done is kind of forced.
Anyway, the fun part is I have my own desk now which is very me. Its actually organized so that I know where everything is! Plus everyone likes to comment on my little picture of my family...its the one that we took right before Caleb left on his mission and Shyla and I are wearing the same tops. And I just got my speakers plugged in today so I'm not having to listen to my ipod with one in and one out so I can still hear the phone and what not. However I have to play it quietly so that we don't have a montage of sound from four different sets of speakers all at once.
I have finally finished my first project of organizing and going through all the DME files for our chronic least the first part of the auditing, now we have to go through and make sure everyone is getting what they need, when they need it and all the minuet details. Plus the owner just bought the equipment, supplies and office things from a DME company that went out of business...and I mean she bought the WHOLE thing. Now we have to sort through it, pick out what we're going to keep in the Tulsa office, what can go to the OKC office, what needs to be thrown out and what she's going to sell to other people or us. We get first pick of it all, and some of its nice stuff too! So anyway yeah the next month or so is going to be interesting, and then we're trying to get JACO accredited on top of that so it makes for busy, stressful and hectic days sometimes.
However we are playing this new team building competition. Biggest Looser has come to our company! LOL!! Not really but we have all split up into teams and we are competing to see what individual and what team looses the most wieght by the end of January. We do weekly weigh ins on Wednesdays and then at our staff meetings on Thursdays we annouce each teams weight lose for that week and who the individual is that lost the most weight that week and they get little prizes for that. Its been a lot of fun, mostly trying to sabatoge other people on the other teams and tempting them with food. :)
The second picture is from a while ago when Court finally took me flying! It was soo cool!!! This is when we flew over downtown Tulsa. We were going to go to Bville but the weather wasn't to great that day so we didn't get to go. But he let me fly it for a little bit, only for a little bit because then I didn't want to anymore! Its kinda scary! Plus the turbulance is way worse in the little plane we were compared to the big ones I'm used to! :) But it was a lot of fun and I'm sure we'll go up again before we part ways latter on down the road.
Anyway, thats a quick update. I'm not doing much more than work, sleep and hang out with friends every now and then. I can't wait to go home for Thanksgiving though!! The first time I'll be home for that and Dads bday in a while!
Have a good week! See you soon!

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

One Day At A Time

So how do you get over a break up? I seem to be getting good at them in my life time...which is funny because I don't think you can be good at getting over a break up.

Anyway, for those of you who I haven't talked to, I'm doing ok. Some days are better than others, others are horrible and everything makes me remind me of him and I cry all day about it. Its sad but today went from being a bad day to being an ok day. I feel like I'm doing better today, course I actually ate something substantial today so that may have helped.

Thats my little blurb for right now so I hope you all are having a good week, had an awesome Labor Day, and that everyone is doing well in school!

Friday, August 15, 2008

Catching Up

4 places I visit often:
QT gas stations
My personal mailbox in the complex
Preferred Pediatrics Office

4 people who call/e-mail, or text regularly:

4 favorite foods:
Chips and Queso at Cheddars
Chicken Fried Rice from Panda
Roast and Baked Potatoes from Mom
Moms Spaghetti

4 places I'd rather be:
My bed
Out with friends

4 movies I'd watch over and over again:
National Treasure 2
The Holiday

3bands/groups I like to listen to lately:
The Pussycat Dolls
Mix CD's

Ok well for all the people out there that have been complaining that I don't post (Cymbre and Cooper) often enough well here you go! :)

Actually not a whole lot has really been going on with me. I've been working and enjoying it a lot more since I got out of that miserable house. I take care of a little boy now with some kind of brain problem. Its a 3-11 shift but I like it and the house is nice and mom speaks English!! :) They want to put me in the house that they had planned on but I've asked to stay where I am. Mom needs the nurse during those hours so that she can go find a job and I would rather drive 15 minutes than 30 to work everyday so I'm game but they have to have a meeting about it on Monday so we'll see.
I start school tomorow and I'm way excited about that!! I'm a little nervous to but then again who wouldn't be with the size of that book! I talked to one of the ladies at the office today and she said it was going to be used for the whole semester not just the first 8 weeks so thats a relief. Whats insane though is they never have the packets that your supposed to buy! Its wierd, you'd think that since this program has been in place for several years that they would have the stuff ready for each semester already. Oh well at least the teachers know so they don't assign anything that needs that stuff in the begining.
My friend Tamra and I are becoming fast friends and cheerleaders for eachother. We got to know eachother on a group project last semester and we've been sticking together ever since. We've been chatting about how we'll have to sit together, do study groups and stuff to get thru this one since its supposed to be the hardest. Though I have my doubts, Advanced RN Medsurg sounds scarier than OB and Peds! Anyway we've decided to carpool this semester, she lives in Catoosa though so we'll meet at my place and alternate who drives each week. We figure that will get us up and moving and there on time (not that we were ever late before). They aren't kidding when they tell you to make friends and exchange numbers when you start any nursing program! They become your life line til you graduate!

Anyway, thats about all thats going on for me thats really exciting. I finished reading the twilight series (holy cow coop you'll never guess what happens!! And I'm not telling!!!! :P) and it was actually really good! I couldn't put them down! Shyla I think you gave up to soon but then I also think that thier books that if you don't get into them in the first one its not going to catch your interest in the following ones.

Jemari bought me these beautiful roses the other week! We've both been having really busy weeks and haven't gotten to see eachother much so these were waiting for me when I got home last week. They still look good for being a week old!

Enjoy the last days of summer guys! It'll be gone before we know it even if it is hot and sweaty. :)

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Random Thoughts

First of HAPPY ANNIVERSARY (late I know) to Russell and Shyla!! YAY!! One year!! Thats fun!
Ok so lets start with this Sunday. I don't recall the specific topic that was given to the speakers and while there were still a number of things that struck me this poem that the last speaker recited jumped out and smacked me! Its nothing amazingly special just one of those things that makes you think a little bit more. It doesn't have a tittle, but her sister is the one who wrote it.

They put Him on trial
They asked Him his name-
What was his purpose and
From whence he came?
Boldly he told them, "I am the Lord,
I come from above to spread
Gods work"
They laughed at His claim,
Spit on His face - then they
demanded that I take his place!
In front of a jury made of my
friends - I was asked,
"This man, do you defend? Do you
follow his teachings, believe with
your heart? Will He always in your
life have a part?"
I looked to my Savior, the Lord,
Jesus Christ.
I knew that He loved me by the look
in His eyes.
I looked to the jury made of my
friends and with surety answered,
"His name I defend."
To stand as a witness I've sworn I
would do,
No matter the trials I may be put
He is my Savior, my Lord, my
I will stand as a witness for Him to
the end.
The courtroom fell silent - they all
went their ways
Each one contemplating what they
heard that day.
When your turn comes to be put on
the stand,
Will you have the courage to raise
up your hand in front of a jury
made up of your friends?
Will you, the Savior, always
- Jeanette N. Work
Just think about that.
And now I'm going to fill out the survey that Caleb had on his blog several posts ago cuz I think its interesting.
1. Last kiss? My patient! She gave me a kiss good bye when I left today...though it was one of the open mouth lots of slobber kind! :)
2. How do you flush the toilet in public? Depends on if I'm feeling germy but usually just my hand.
3. Do you wear your seatbelt in the car? Always
4. Do you have a crush on someone? No
5. Name one thing you start to get tense about if you are close to running out of it: Money
6. What famous person do you (or other people) think you resemble? I don't think I look like anyone famous
7. Favorite pizza topping? Pepperoni!!
8. Finish this sentence: If my life was a sitcom my theme song would be...Why Not by Hilary Duff
9. Do you pop your knuckles? All the time!
10. What song do you dislike the most when it gets stuck in your head? anything thats annoying
11. Did just mentioning that song make it get stuck in your head? Nope
12. What are your super powers? To help people feel better when thier down or very sad and crying
13. Peppermint or Spearmint? Peppermint
14. Where are your keys? In my purse
15. Who's answers to this questionnaire do you want to hear? Anyones
16. What's your most annoying habit? Worrying and biting my nails
17. Where did you last go on vacation? Colorado
18. If you could punch one person in the nose and get away with it, who would it be? She shall remain nameless
19. What is your best physical feature? Either my hair or my butt
20. What CD is closest to you right now? A mix CD from my itunes
21. What 3 things can always be found in your refrigerator? Milk, eggs, V8 Splash
22. What superstition do you believe/practice? I kiss my hand and hit the top of the car if I go under a yellow light
23. Does size matter? When it comes to Cookies and jeans yes!
24. Paper or Plastic? Papers better for the environment
25. Do you talk on your cell phone when you drive? yes but only with my head set
26. What are your favorite sayings? I say a lot of things
27. What song do you sing most often in the shower? whatevers in my head or on the movie
28. If you could go back or forward in time would you, and where would you go? I don't want to go back in time.
29. What is your favorite Harrison Ford movie? Air Force One
30. What CD is in your stereo? Theres 5 different ones
31. What OCD qualities do you have? I don't know
32. How many kids do you plan on having? 3
33. If you could kiss someone famous who would it be? Orlando Bloom
34. Would you really want to kiss someone you didn't know? No
35. Would you rather die in a blaze of glory or peacefully in your sleep? peacefully in my sleep
36. What is your favorite movie? The Holiday
37. What candy from when you were a kid do you miss the most? The Koalah Cookies with the chocolate in the middle
38. Favorite musicians/band you've seen in concert? NSYNC and Chris Brown
39. Have you ever been in love? Yes
40. Is there anyone who you wish would just fall off the face of the earth? Yes
Oh and I just wanted to make something very clear to all of you that read this...I DON'T SHAVE MY LEGS EVERYDAY!!! I only do it once a week on Saturday night so I'm not hairy at church when I wear a skirt. So all of you just need to stop with this whole I take half hour showers everyday so I can shave. :P
Its super hot here all day everyday starting early in the day now. Though not as hot as Houston and I'm glad for that! But we've also been getting massive amount of rain for days in a row and so we also get flooding problems. The news people said we should send it to California so that it will help stop the fires that keep starting and that are currently being fought.
I've also decided that I'm totaly in love with my Peach and Sweet Berries candle that mom bought me several years ago for Christmas and I've about used it all....guess I'll have to go hunt for it at Yankee.
Oh and thank you mom for instilling in me the sense to behave and clean up things and to treat people nicely. I don't know why but people seem to feel the need to remind me of that blessing daily it seems.

Anyway, I hope you all are having fun! Enjoy whats left of the week and remember what that poem says.

Hugs and Kisses to all!

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

YAY!!!! I PASSED!!!!

Ok so this picture was taken a long time ago when I lived at the house and I'd bought some new clothes but I felt wierd posting and not having a picture...I blame you Shyla. ;)

Anyway, so yeah I passed my course!!! Yes I was nervous but I had every reason to be! I only had like 5 things to be graded on and I hadn't done so well on the first 2 tests. However, the last one I got and 82% on (YEAH!!) and I passed with a 77%!!! YAY!!! I know I should have done better (yes I hear you mom) but honestly the teacher should have taught us and been there better than she was. I mean really, she gave us a packet to study from that had the reading in it but non of that went along with either the reviews or tests that we did in class so we're all lost as to what we're supposed to know for the test. So anyway I did great on my careplans (Thank you!!) and I'm not sure what some of the other things on in my "gradebook" are but whatever I passed and thats all I was worried about. :) So now its on to OB and Peds...and I hope my friend Tamra passed too because she and I have bonded (I think I mentioned that before) and it would be way nice to have her there.

Also I just want to say again how happy I am with my new job and my new family! They are so good to me!! The mom has bought me breakfast I think like 3 times since I started working there because I've come in early to go with her to OkC, and she always says thank you when I leave or when I do his laundry (don't worry I'm not supposed to do it I just do it to help out now) or anything! Its so nice to actually be appreciated for what I do, and its a totaly new feeling as well! I really could honestly stick with this family for a while and be perfectly happy. However, I fully intend to go back to a hospital one day...I just miss that action and diversity of never having the same patient for very long...that plus I don't get to use all my skill as a home health nurse and I don't want loose any of them. Dad paid good money for me to learn them! :)

Well I hope you all have an awesome week! I love you all!

Saturday, April 26, 2008

Thug Britni

Ok so I'm not really a thug nor do I want to be but Jay put my hood up and then put his steelers hat on me...well he thought it was the funniest thing and wanted a picture so I'm posting it for all to enjoy and laugh at. So enjoy!!

I had my last day of class for the semester today, took my last test and now I wait till Tuesday or Wednesday to find out what I made in the course. I'm so glad to be done with this one! This course has caused me more stress than school really should! Anyway, my friend Tamra and I feel the same way about this whole thing. Right now we're eachothers support system in the class cuz we aren't taking the clep test to get out of OB/Peds and seem to be the only ones continuing from the original class. That plus we're both worried about how we did in this class. Its nice to have someone to mope and be worried and support eachother with. :)

Anyway, things aren't very interesting here. I have however been on a reading kick lately! Like seriously! I read all the time! Like to the point where I would rather stay up and read then sleep sometimes. Its funny to me, how much reading makes you think, even when thier fiction novels. I love reading! Its like an escape from the daily life into a world that not like mine. I've decided I've come to especially like the Victorian time period books. I'm reading the new Anita Stansfield series/saga thing and its got me all dreamy for the gentlmanly things and lady ways of back then. Not that Jay isn't a gentleman by any means, and not that I'm not a lady...well I'm not all the time but not as much as maybe I should be. Its just that things just so dreamy and wonderful back then! Fancy ball gowns, tea, carriage rides, courting (it sounds so much better than dating), social things, servants, big houses! But then I do think I would be upset that I couldn't do certain things like vote, or play outside, throw a ball, or that I couldn't say exactly what I wanted when I wanted (so to speak) because of all the rules. Wierd I know but its all good right? So long as I do what I need to do to and come out of my fantasy world when I'm supposed to. It sucks though when I have to. :)

I hope everyone had a good week!


Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Rain rain go away come just stay away!!

So I'm totaly tired of all this rain! This picture is of my balcony all wet from the rain and wind and just below you can see the sidewalk...what you can't see is that its a running river of rain water!! And of course I half to walk through it to get to my car so I can go anywhere! This is the second round of severe thunderstorms that is rolling through Oklahoma, or more specifically Tulsa. Monday night was horrible! I was supposed to be at work at 5am so I could go with them to OkC for my patients bronchoscopy, well about 4:45 I was standing in my open doorway watching the 4 second apart lightening flashes and pouring sheets of rain going oh heck no! I don't even think so! I called the office and was like I'm sorry but there is no way I'm driving to OkC in this. Needless to say the family didn't even get to his appointment till almost 10 anyway. So I'm just tired of the rain, and thunder, and tornado crap, and not sleeping at night.

On a happier note I'm totaly in love with my new job! I leave and I'm not stressed or mad or upset at something retarded that Shiela did that day, I'm not having issues sleeping at night, I don't dread going to work, I'm not trying to call in all the time or get out of work! I want to be there, despite the 7am clock in time, and I like the family. My patient is making progress even if it is slow, and the mom is active in everything that goes on! Its awesome! The office was true to there word about the whole gas mileage thing, and thier constantly checking up on me though I don't know how long that will last. I'm glad I switched! It kinda makes me want to throw it in Preferreds face that they were so wrong but I won't cuz thats just not cool. Still for all the bad things they were trying to tel me about Mays I haven't had anything bad happen or had any reason to be upset with them.

Other than that not much has been happening. I have three weeks left of this semester and I'm totaly ready for a break! I think I might pick up Friday when I get done, earn a little bit more money to save up for. I don't know we'll see.

I hope the rest of you are doing good and not getting caught in crappy weather! TTYL!!

Sunday, February 17, 2008

Druggie Britni

This is the boquet of roses that Jemari bought me for Valentines Day, and then below that is my card, bear and the necklace he bought me. I got him a 3lb heart of solid milk chocolate, a nerf dart gun and a card and a little dog that says I wuf you when you squeeze it. We were walking in Walmart several weeks before Vday cuz I needed groceries and we walked down the candy row and he saw the heart and was like drooling in the isle! So I got it for him. Its hard to buy things for guys on Vday cuz its more of a girlie holiday.

Well its been one heck of a week. I got sick while I was at work on Monday and then I didn't go to work for three days! I had an upset stomach and crazy painful body aches and congestion that wouldn't go away with medicine. So I called my ever loving big brother Court and he came and gave me a blessing and my headaches went away! But then ever since then I've had this horrible cough, sore throat, earache and just last night my eyes started getting gunky and gross. So I was like great, just great! The doctors offices will all be closed on Monday for Presidents Day and I think I have pink eye! So I went into the Urgent Care and thankfully it was just my regular $20 copay and I saw the doctor. He was so nice! He was like a grandpa old man, chubby and all! It was cute. Anyway, he looked me over, listened to me, and all and then was like well lets give you some stuff to help you get over it. He came back with prescriptions for eye drops, sinus and chest antibiotics and cough medicine with codiene so I can sleep at night! I'm a freakin druggie! I'm going to have to call into work tomorow because I won't have been on my eye med for 24 hours and I am not going to be the one to pass pink eye to all the patients at Preffered! I don't care if mom has school or what. This is one thing among others of course that is totaly highly contagious and I'm just not even going to try it. So my pick below is of all my drugs.
Anyway, so for Valentines Day we went to dinner at Red Lobster, and then we went to go see Step Up 2. That was an awesome movie!!! I loved it! Oh and my favorite part was that I want to see like every movie on the previews! Especially the Penelope one, that one looks so cute! Oh and Dad just so you know if you didn't thier coming out with a new Indiana Jones movie!! I'm totaly excited!
I hope all of you have a good week, I know I will certainly be trying to have a better one. My final for my first nursing class is this Saturday so I'm excited about that! 1 down 5 more to go! Ok thats just scary!

Sunday, February 10, 2008

It's finally over!

What a week it has been! I'm sorry that I haven't posted hardly at all but like Shyla its been one heck of a week. It started out not so bad but I just wasn't in the mood to do anything so things started to build up. I did my reading while I was at work so that didn't get to me, but I did leave my legal/ethical paper till the last minute and that wasn't good. I got to class on Saturday and I stupidly realized that I hadn't done a header on my paper and no cover sheet! I was kicking myself the whole time cuz there wasn't anything I could do about it at that point accept hope she liked the rest of my paper. I've learned my lesson though thats for sure. I did do my workout like I've been trying to so I succeeded in that this week. But I've been so tired this week. I'm not sure whats up, though I would guess its got something to do with the weather which while its been sunny a few days this week its mostly been gloomy and cloudy and cold and no one wants to be out in it and everyone just wants to stay in a warm bed or home and not do much of anything.
Ok so the picture is the long awaited one of me in my new school scrubs. I went on Friday to get my patient information and that was all well and good but not much else happened since we aren't allowed to do anything except meet the patient and get all the info we needed. So needless to say I was a bit nervous as to what was going to happen on Saturday. I have done clinicals before yes and I am a nurse but they didn't tell us anything to expect or tell us what we would be doing. Turns out that this clinical was just to get our feet wet and get us into doing care plans and assessments and such. So it wasn't bad at all in fact it was crazy amazing! My patients nurse let me follow her around and actually let me do things too! We were on 7 West at St Francis which is the Oncology unit, so it was kind of a sad place but it was fun! I helped hang blood, and flush the tubing when it was done, I started an IV and took them out, I got to do dressing changes and especially did one on a chest tube, and we had to try and reposition the tube in the ladies chest! It was soooo cool!!!! My patient developed crepitus while I was there and for all those reading that its when air gets trapped in the pleural cavity somewhere, its not usually a lot but its not a good thing anyway. It feels like something crinkly is under the skin, airy and crinkly. Its wierd but I was excited about it. So anyway, needless to say I learned a lot Saturday. I kinda felt out of place though, cuz none of my other fellow students did much of anything accept sit in the little break room and chat and write down patient info. I had to stay after bit to get what I needed but it was a small price to pay for the things I got to do and see while I was there! :)

Yesterday I was up by 7:30 to get to class, went to clinicals from 1-6:30 and then came home took a short nap and went to work 11-7 this morning, came home and took another short nap got up at 11:30 and went to church. Which today was awesome in church...not that anyother day isn't but today was just nice. I wasn't hit with any profound amazing revelation or new knowledge even though I did learn some new things, it was just nice today.
The theme today in Sacrament Meeting was "With all thy getting, get understanding" which I heard that and like the speakers I had no idea what it meant. They had some very good points in thier talks and I'd like to share some of the things I learned, here is what I wrote in my little journal thing:

1. Seek for understanding in all that I do, seek for knowledge because it is all I can take with me into the next life.

2. Patience to learn and listen and understand what is going on.

3. As we read and search the scriptures, seek to understand what we read, clarify it.

4. Take each challenge with one step at a time with faith in every footstep...our faith and understanding will increase. (this last one was a quote but I missed half of it and who it was by)

5. Gods grace doesn't garauntee an A or that we'll be genius but it does garauntee that we will be able to understand things.

Those are some things I got from the talks. Also Court taught Sunday school and he of course used his knowledge of airplanes to do some of it but the point of his lesson was that we all have our personal liahona and if we do what we're asked and follow the Lords directions or promptings it will continue to guide us to where we are supposed to be and what we're supposed to be doing. In Relief Society it wasn't anything great accept I loved the scripture in D&C 110:1-4 where it talks about the Savior appearing to Joseph Smith and Oliver Cowdery in the Kirtland Temple and that is just an amazing description. But Ramon (our teacher) asked what we liked or thought about that page. I said that normally we have these paintings that depict the Savior as a very calm and loving and compasionate person and He is in regular cloths, however this description portrays Him as an all powerful, omnipotent, and glorified being. I mean think about the description, its not something we normaly would use in describing someone. If we describe someone we say oh thier 5'6", brown hair, tan skin, green eyes etc. Joseph described specific characteristics so eloquently! "His eyes were as a flame of fire; the hair of his head was white like the pure snow; his countenance shone above the brightness of the sun; and his voice was as the sound of the rushing of great waters..." I mean how incredible is that! I'm sure this isn't profound to anyone else but I have always loved that description of the Savior, I know that He is loving and compasionate, forgiving and merciful and all these other things we associate with Him but this shows just how much of powerful being He really is, and I think sometimes in our descriptions of that we may forget that.

So the next time you think about the Savior or see a picture of Him just remember who He is.

I hope you all have a good week!
Love you!

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Gloomy day and Dove Chocolates...

So its been a really depressing and sucky day today. I set my alarm to wake up at like 9 so I could work out and study for class. No I woke up turned off the alarm and fell back to sleep till like noon which really wouldn't have been that bad but I hadn't turned in my notes yet and I was going to that on the way to school to study with Jay but no I had to call the office and they let me bring them in so long as I did it right then. So I got up and did that, then I came home and got ready for the day, and then remembered that rent was due and I had to get it to the office. So yeah needless to say I didn't get anything done this morning except a workout and then had to go to work! Which by the way sucked because while my patient was in a relatively good mood he decided to have a diarhea explosion while we were waiting for his mom to get out of church which was being held in a hotel!!! Yeah we were waiting in the hotel lobby and he did it!!! Needless to say I threw away a diaper and the towel they let me borrow cuz I'm just about 100% sure they would not have wanted that one back. Oh and on top of that it was 84 and sunny on its raining and like 40! That would be Oklahoma weather for you in case you all have forgotten. So here are my pictures for the day, the first one is of the gloomy weather, and the second one is off the path that goes from my front door and around to the parking lot...

So yeah that was my sucky day. I hope you all had a better one than me!
Oh and on a parting note just to make it seem like not so much of a bad day here are some of the little messages in my Dove Candy notes from my goody box from mom:
1. Be a little mysterious.

2. Express what's in your heart.

3. Celebrate family and friends.

Just some little happies on a sad sad day. That plus dove chocolates are FREAKIN AMAZING!!!

Monday, February 4, 2008

School is....

This is my nursing badge that I have to wear whenever I'm in the hosital at all times so that no one mistakes me for an actual nurse. Funny, I like this one a lot better than the one I had in LPN school. That plus my scrubs are dark blue and not white! YAY!! No one will be able to see my underwear this time!! :) Its been an interesting week with school and all. I did my second journal entry and it required me reading a magazine article that talked about or used critical thinking so I used one that talked about balancing electrolytes and what to look for to figure out which out of balance it was. So that was all good and I seem to do really well on those. And then I looked at my grades and I got an 82% on my first exam!! YAY!!! How awesome is that! Go me!! We did assesments and I didn't pass with flying colors....I wasn't greatly confident in the heart and lungs. The reason being is I didn't practice as much as I should have, and because when your an LPN they only expect you to listen to the heart beat and make sure the lungs are clear in all the lobes. Well as an RN its much more extensive. You have to listen to 5 areas of the heart which are the Aorta, Mitral and Tricuspid valve and then two other places, and in the lungs there are 20 places to listen to!! Its crazy! But anyway, the teacher said she'd post some times for us to come and redo it so I'll have to take care of that this week but its ok I've got my legal and ethical paper due, 3 chapters to read, my community project and probably some clinical stuff to do. It'll be a busy week for school stuff.

Friday, February 1, 2008


These are my pictures for yesterday. It snowed yesterday and I didn't get a chance to take the pictures til today cuz it was to dark last night to take them. It was so awesome! They were like huge fat flakes and everything!

And this is my picture for today. I was thinking about how now these men have all passed away and I'll not only have to get a new picture but the man that was alive for most of my life is now not here anymore. I have to go to school tomorow so I won't be able to watch the funeral which I'm very sad about! I'm glad that he is with his sweetheart now and that he doesn't have to be burdened by his limitations anymore cuz he was so active for a man of his age I can't imagine what he is going to be like now. But I'm going to miss him and his odd sense of humor. Anyway, I was just thinking about that today.
Luv you all!

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

My goal

My new goal has been to get on a good schedule. Well Monday I totaly flubbed and slept in till like 12! Oh man was I upset but I got up and started doing things including working out. Yesterday was better I got out of bed at around 10 and did some errands before work. Today I'm so proud of myself! I got up at 9:30 was out the door by 10:15 and I took care of the rest of my errands and then went to the gym at TCC (cuz its free if your a student!!!) and worked out and then went to the library to study a bit and then went to work! I want to be in shape, not necesarily loose weight thats why my picture today is of my free weights that I bought to use like a year ago. The small ones I bought after I went to the doctor with my shoulder problem and I've been using them to do the strenthening exercises for my shoulder and then the big 10lb one I use for my biceps. I've considered taking the little ones with me when I go to the gym to use when I walk on the tredmill but then I don't want them to get stolen when I do the weight machines so I think I'll just leave them at home.
Anyway, I trained the new nurse today....yeah that didn't go well. She wouldn't even try to pick up Christopher! I get that he's 50lbs but seriously! You carry him to the bathroom and back to his room after his bath! But they keep sending these nurses that don't want to lift him or get down on the floor with him! Seriously! What the crap are you doing being a pediatric nurse! Or any nurse at all for that matter!? I've decided though if she doesn't get in there tomorow and try then I'm telling Jody its not working with her and she has to put me somewhere else anyway because I'm tired of all this crap. If she would just pull me she would have a nurse that needed to go somewhere! HA! Problem solved! This poor baby though he's had diarrhea since Friday night and we just keep pumping him with Pedialyte and it seems like it just keeps running out the other end. He just doesn't do much, he just kinda lays there and watches us or a movie, which can I just say I'm so glad I have tons of the disney movies! I don't ever leave them so don't worry mom but I take them for him to have something new to watch other than just Spongebob though that seems to please him no matter what. :) Anyway, we called the doctor today and she put us on a more rigorous schedule for his pedialyte and if he isn't better in the morning mom is to take him in for some blood work. He hates needles so I hope he is looking better.

Ok well its late, I'm tired and sore so I'm going to bed!

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Cold Cold Cold!

This is by far my favorite candle to burn. Mom got it for me for Christmas year before last and its not even half way gone. Its called Peach and Sweet Berries, it smells so good!

And this is a picture for yesterday that I missed even though I took it today. This is Jemari, he came over for a minute after we both got off work today to give me a hug and say hi. He's awesome!
Anyway I hope you all are staying warm and safe with all the crazy weather elements going on outside. Its been psycho here! Yesterday it was warm and windy but today its bairly above freezing and super super windy like take your breath away windy. I went to work and I just wanted to come home and be under my covers cuz its so cold and gloomy outside. I've been reading a lot since I have to read some articles on legal and ethical things for school, and I've been into the book mom let me borrow called the Bishops Wife or something to that affect and so far its really good! Thanks mom!

Anyway, I'm off to bed! Love you all!

Sunday, January 27, 2008

Learning something new

Ok so I'm taking your idea Shyla and I'm going to try to do the picture a day thing for a year. I'm not the greatest at writting in my journal and this will help for the days or weeks I've missed. So here's the first one...

This is my cable box from Cox that I've disconnected because they increased the rates and whatever and so I've decided I'm not paying 70 bucks a month to have cable I switched to Dish which is 30! HA! Take that cable jerks!!

And this is a picture of the box of Grey's Anatomy 2nd season. I seem to be watching this a lot lately, I seem to be on a watch all my episodes kick..maybe its because they aren't showing any new episodes because of the writters strick which personally I think is stupid! Why can't they just give them what they want! This can't possibly be good for business but then what do I know I don't work in hollywood.

I hope you all are having a good week. Mine was sucky, the week, life and crap got to me on Wednesday and I just broke down. Poor Jay had to listen to it over the phone but eventually he got me to calm down and see that even though things are bad it won't be this way forever, that it won't be better tomorow but I can handle it because I'm strong and I can do this even if it didn't seem like it on Wednesday. Now granted I still don't feel like I can handle much more of this but I have a lot of great role models who did it and that I can look up to that have done it all, and I have a great support system that encourage me when I'm feeling down and feeling like I can't do it anymore. Prayer works a lot too. I know it sounds cliche and people say it all the time but its true what they say, you pray more when your in trouble. I think thats how He wants it. He wants us to come to him when we're in trouble because then He can teach us more and guide us better because we're open to it. Granted we need to pray all the time even when we're not in trouble or feeling down but I think it means more when we not only put effort into it but actually say that we need Him. I don't know if any of this makes sense but it does to me.

I love you all!

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Shyla tagged me!!!

A: The rules of the game are posted at the beginning.
B: Each player answers the questions about themselves.
C: At the end of the post, the player then tags 3 people and posts their names, then goes to their blogs and leaves them a comment, letting them know that they have been tagged and asking them to read your blog.

10 years ago: I was 14 living in Barltesville I think and in 8th grade

5 things on my to-do list today:
1. Studying for my 1st exam
2. Going to meals on wheels
3. Retaking my dosage calculations test
4. Going to Owasso with Jemari
5. Sleeping!!!

5.Snacks I enjoy:
1. Oreos
2. Doritoes
3. French Fries
4. Cereal
5. German Chocolate Pie

What I would do if I were suddenly made a billionaire:
Buy a new car, pay for the rest of my schooling, give some back to mom and dad, and save the rest.

3 of my bad habits:
1. not dusting
2. worrying about things I can't change
3. not taking care of myself

5 places I have lived:
1. Claygate, England
2. Sugarland TX
3. Bartlesville, OK
4. Broomfield, CO
5. Tulsa, OK

5 jobs that I have had:
1. Arby's
2. Babysitting
3. CNA
4. LPN
5. ......I haven't had 5 jobs

5 Things people don't know about me:
1. I want to work at an elemenary school as a nurse
2. I want to learn how to arrange flowers like my mom
3. I want to have a house to decorate for Christmas like my mom
4. I want to adopt a baby
5. I want to learn how to do repairs in a house

Ok I tag.....Caleb, Holly and Mom. Those are the only other people I know.

Saturday, January 19, 2008

Its going to be ok right?

Holy Cow! I just have to keep telling myself that I love my career choice and that it will be over soon.

So the next episode in the never ending drama with work is as follows. They pulled me from my usual house to cover a few night shifts at another house because one of the nurses licenses expired. Well that left mom with only 2 nights a week with a nurse and she wants weekends now because she has class those days. Well I was there Thursday and she came back after being gone for like half my shift and said that she changed her classes to during the week. I was so excited to call my scheduler Jodi! I was like did you get a call from mom!? She was like yeah, I was like how funny is this! She acutally managed to get the classes she wanted during the week! Now my question is why didn't she do this to start with? So I asked mom what days she was going to class and she said Monday, Wednesday and Thursday and so I responded saying ok so we need to have you covered on Monday now and she goes NO I want my 5 days back! I was like but we need to make sure that your school nights are covered. What the crap! Like seriously this lady just continues to blow my mind! She thinks she's important and her son is like the least critical patient I think the office has! But its she doesn't understand that and until she does she is just going to continue to be upset and think the office is just being mean to her.

On a brighter note school is going very well despite the crazy pace and whirlwinds of information. We had our dosage calc test this morning and while I studied for it there was just no hope of passing it on the first time so I did the best I could and then when I got the test back today I found I'd done most of them right and the teacher went thru the whole test and worked all the problems so that the ones that I didn't get I saw how to do them. So now I can study a bit more and then take it again. I'm excited about all this! I have my first test next Saturday, and I need to buy some new shoes cuz mine while thier mostly white thier looking dingy and gross and thats not acceptable for school clinicals. I'll have to take a picture of me in my new uniform when I get it. Its navy blue instead of white and I can't tell you how happy I am about that! I hated the white ones! You always had to make sure your underwear didn't show, you couldn't wear anything of color or with print underneath the scrubs it was a pain! And its intimidating to the patients anyway. So now I can look normal! :)

I'm looking forward to spring break though...I'm not sure if I'm going to do anything. I'd like to go to Colorado but I'd also like to go home to Houston when Shyla and Russel come down. So much I want to do and only so much vacation time to take off to do it. I miss you all so much and love you all so much.
Mom and Dad thank you for praying for me. I need every bit of them to not loose my head with all of this thats going on. How you guys made it thru college I still don't know cuz it just seems so hard right now. But I guess its just a means to an end right?

I love you all!

Monday, January 7, 2008

Its a new year!

Happy New Year to you all!!!

So far its been a busy start to the new year but I welcome it! I've now started school. Work has been interesting. And social life has been kinda slow but good.

So I was totaly not happy with having to come back to Oklahoma after Christmas. I never get to spend enough time at home and lately it would seem that I miss being there more than normal. I'm not sure why but I guess thats part of growing up and being out on your own so much, you miss not being at home and you miss all the things that go on there. It was tons of fun to be there though! Cooper's surgery! And for all those that weren't there I have a video on my phone that ya'll can see when I see you. (which is a subtle hint that ya'll need to make arraingments to see it...and come see me!) Spending time with Beast (she's so tall!) and mom and dad was good too! Its nice when you get to be home and you don't have to worry about the crap that is going on every where else.

Anyway, I started school this past Saturday. HOLY CRAP!! Man I have so much work ahead of me but I'm so excited too! We have class all day Saturdays and then some days it will be lecture in the morning and clinicals in the afternoon and evening. But here's the break down of my program. Spring semester: 1st 8 weeks is Bridge, 2nd 8 weeks is Psych; Fall Semester: 1st 8 weeks is OB, 2nd 8 weeks is Peds; Spring semester 1st 8 weeks is Advanced Med Surg, 2nd 8 weeks is transition into the RN clinical role (or something to that affect). But in the Spring I'll be a level for, right now I'm at level 3. And the other crazy part is in the Spring its like clinicals all the time! Like these are the 12 hour ones! Its going to be so crazy! But I'm excited about it. Well ok so I'm like scared out of my mind after how they put everything on Saturday but it was the first day and they were explaining everything so it was a lot of stuff. I have to have the first 5 chapters read for class on Saturday, which isn't that bad cuz the book is like so skinny.
Its all part of a new chapter in my life so I say bring it on!

Work....well I had to let my case manager know that I'm concerned about my little patient. I came back and he had lost a tooth! Now normaly this wouldn't seem a problem but the kids 4! We brush his teeth everyday..or well I do at night when I'm there, and we are giving him the feedings the doctor said to...oh wait no I am but mom is either refusing or forgetting the over night feedings and then wondering why he gets upset because he's hungry! I told my case manager and she's going to have his doctor do some blood work and then call a meeting with the family and people involved in his case. I mean seriously! How do you let things get this bad at home that you neglect to watch or take care of your son!? UGH!!! Anyway, she's wanting nursing on the weekends now to and is mad because the office isn't able to staff it. Well guess what the office doesn't have the ability to staff everyone! That plus nurses don't want to work 10 hours on Saturday and Sunday! Every school I've ever seen offers all their classes on weekdays so why can't she do it then? She doesn't work she doesn't do anything except sleep and eat! Anyway, she's upset to because the office is staffing me out on Saturday after I get out of school and she's like I should get you on Saturdays I need the nursing! Man whatever!
I'm done talking about it.

The rest of life is good. Just the usual with studying, working, hanging out with friends and chillin on my own. Apple and I are thinking of taking a dance class together to get some exercise and have some fun together. Jemari is starting NSU and working two jobs...we're both a little lost as to when we'll see eachother but we'll make it work. :) I know you guys don't want me to be with him and want me to move somewhere else to find a man. But what you guys don't see is how happy I am with him and how much we love eachother for who we are. I know he isn't a member and I know that is a dissapointment to you all but it isn't to me. And as much as thats going to hurt and shock you all...I'm sorry. I don't know if he and I have a future together or not, but I'm willing to see if we do.
I know you all now want to talk to me, yell at me, whatever but I don't want to hear about it. I know the consequences, I know that you all are mad that I'm doing this, I know that you all want whats best for me but, whats best for me right now is to be happy and I am. So if thats not what you guys want for me then I don't really want to hear it.

I love you all! I hope you all had an awesome New Year and are making new goals and plans to fulfil this year!